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Editor's Corner

By Mary E. Adair


As a friend pointed out in the Amazon room seminar at Spiritweb the other night, in the past century, only 1991 could be read from both directions and equate the same. (Reminds one of the words racecar and kayak, for instance.) However, this century, here we are already with 2002 that works from both directions.

And Works seems to be the relevant word if one turns to numerology. When rendering a date or name to numerical values, one adds number by number to reach a single digit number (excepting doubles or "prime" numbers like eleven, twentytwo, thirtythree, etc., which are never reduced, having special significance to the numerologist.) Thus, 2002 adds 2+0+0+2=4, and Four is a steadying influence, a keep at it work and routine number, as compared to 2001, for instance, which adds to three and is a celebration number. Remember last year, everyone was so happy the millenium wasn't the end of time, and we got the Y2K problems solved in advance, that until September 11, we all sorta drifted happily along in our own celebratory sea, or perhaps our collective attitudes could be better defined as a haze of indifference. Even at the end of 2001, we were celebrating in a way, though as a combined awakened patriotism and recognition of service above and beyond that we now continue to sing praises about. As we should.

One Texan numerologist, Jackie Riley, states the FOUR Year as being

"a more serious and responsible year. It is a time to work hard and to take stock. This is a year to face physical reality. It is a time to put all your interests on a practical basis and build the foundation that will lead to future security and will assure the ultimate accomplishment of your long-range goals. If you do not have a system or a routine for getting all the practical things done, establish it now. Set up a budget and stick to it. Sharpen your sense of values. Do not procrastinate the physical work that must be done. Develop your ability to concentrate. Make sure that all of your ideas have been usefully and practically applied. Face up to past mistakes and avoid them in the future.

"This is a year," she continues, "to get your physical homes (your mind, your body, and your house) in perfect shape. Your concentration on practical application should get your mind in working order. The state of your body is of prime importance to a feeling of mental well-being as well. Make a special effort to balance and control your diet. Engage in sports or get into a routine of going to a gym, or a yoga or dance class. Your home is the house of your mind and body. Its condition affects your physical function. This is a good year to repair and make your home more physically comfortable.

"Put your business and personal relationships on firm ground. This year, it is dependability and responsibility that pay off. Cultivate strong relationships with solid and strong persons. Lasting ties of friendship can be made this year, and it is a good time for a deep and physically rewarding love affair.

"Finances are in direct relation to hard work done this year. It is not a time to gamble, speculate, or make an easy buck. Spend money on improvements for your home and your health, but stick to your budget.

"Physically, the teeth, bones and circulatory system are vulnerable. Get plenty of exercise, and make sure your diet contains a lot of calcium and minerals."

Therefore, since part of that advice is to be practical and responsible, it is not too early to advise all of you readers about the following: Though this issue is the first of the year, it is the last of the volume, and next issue - for February - starts the new volume. Our webmaster Mike, while visiting with us in West Texas (a real Christmas present for us to have him and his lovely family here) discussed plans to offer the archives in cd form for a modest fee which should cover cost of materials and will not even touch what his time is worth. Please do consider ordering at least one for yourself, especially if you have a lot of work online in Pencil Stubs now, because the accessible archives will be pared down once the cd is created.

All of the archives, same as any current issue, are copyrighted to the author as published in Pencil Stubs Online, and use of them in any form requires permission of author and AMEA Publications. Useage further requires proper accreditation to both the author and Pencil Stubs Online including when it was published in our pages.

One resolution I will keep is to get the PSO cd as soon as it is available because it will enable reading and enjoying all those wonderful submissions by our authors. Thanks to all who contributed their compositions for this issue. It isn't easy to set aside time to write during the Holidays, and I do appreciate those who did make the special effort to get their material to us on time: columnists - Gerard Meister, LC Van Savage, Cassandra, pBobby aka Robert A. Beaty, Darren Bardsley, Dr. Sam Vaknin, Leo C. Helmer; poets - M. Jay Mansfield, Shell Heller, Brenda Stratton, Michael Mosher, Bruce Clifford, Judy Issette, Ruth A. Krueger, Rochelle Hope Mehr, JoBi Wilson, LSeeker, and Susan Glover; story and article authors - Jill Cruzan (prairwarur), Dr. Sam Vaknin, Robert A. Beaty, and LC Van Savage.

An absolute promise: this year I vow to meditate daily ... for a couple of hours around the noon hour... I know I can improve my technique with a bit of practice, but if I should continue to doze off per usual, then I can certainly benefit from the nap!

See you in February!  

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