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Editor's Corner

By Mary E. Adair

November-December 2024

"May and October,
the best-smelling months?
I’ll make a case for December;
evergreen, frost, wood smoke, cinnamon."
— Lisa Kleypas

We got thru October while awaiting a November trip to be present for the wedding of one of your editor's Great-Grandsons, Trenton Wadford whose fiance Katy Brown is the daughter of his preacher. It was a beautiful wedding, plus getting to visit many family members and meet new ones.

This issue is fighting back when we attempt including pictures. Our webmaster is the one to solve such problems, and will have an answer. Meanwhile not all the pics chosen for this Holiday issue will be shown now. We have his interesting column "Mike's Place" and that is one you will enjoy reading.

Marilyn Carnell's book on early Civil War times is progressing and she includes a bit on some characters in her column "Sifodling Along." Thomas F. O'Neill, being a teacher, waxes eloquent on history of principal parties in "Introspective."

Mattie Lennon's column "Irish Eyes" includes excerpts from a few informational interviews with some authors in recent news, then remembers fondly one who is a steady favorite. Ara Parisien and Pauline Evanosky are not present this busy month.

Judith Kroll's column "On Trek" talks about how we should remember to be kind to ourselves, and why. "Armchair Genealogy" by columnist Melinda Cohenour is updating info as DNA is being found useful in numerous new areas. The column by the late Rod Cohenour's family members who shared his love of cooking, continues as a tribute to him. This issue has the necessary info for delicious Giblet Gravy.

John I. Blair's new poem this month, "Minds" will set your mind to thinking. Walt Perryman's poems are "Attribute," "The Look," "Christmas Eve," and "As I Get Older." Bud Lemire's "Felines in A Cancer Hospital," "Hope in A Dark World," "The Light Beyond Book Shop" and "My MP3 Player" give one something to consider. Bruce Clifford also has four poems for us: "Before The Fall," "Puddle People," "Fallen Remains," and "Geography." Yours Truly is showing her main Christmas poem again this year, "Tiny Miracle."

We continue to rely on our co-founder and webmaster Mike Craner. With this eZine in its 27th year online, he is the one we trust for our status quo. Thank you, Mike, for all you accomplish. I shall continue to express my gratitude to my talented and creative friend. We continue to place our confidence in him as we have in the past.

See you in January for our first 2025 issue!

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