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Before the Fall

By Bruce Clifford

The stress of it all.
A rise and a fall.
Not sure if I can recall.
Feeling less than a foot tall.
Less than a foot tall.

Taller than a small one.
Never carried a handgun.
Not sure if I’m the only one.
Don’t know If I belong.

The facts of it all.
Not having a ball.
Not sure if you can recall. Are you missing the call?
Are you forgetting I once called?

I called you, but your brother would not let you speak to me.
I called you, but to me this is not ancient history.
Was just yesterday when I was alone and afraid.
Was not as long ago as one might think.
But life goes on in a blink.

The stress of it all.
From the time we were small.
At the park we felt so tall.
I kissed you twice before the fall.
Before the fall.

© 11/5/2024 Bruce Clifford

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