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Editor's Corner

By Mary E. Adair

July 2023

“July is hot afternoons and sultry nights
and mornings when it's joy just to be alive.
July is a picnic and a red canoe and a sunburned neck
and a softball game and ice tinkling in a tall glass.
July is a blind date with summer.”

— Hal Borland, Sundial of the Seasons

It is to be hoped, no matter how much one loves the Summertime, that the most devastating heat for this year, has preceded June into the history books. Record-breaking temps have enveloped much of Oklahoma, New Mexico, as well as here in Texas. Our local top record of 120 F degrees wasn't broken locally, (we reached 114) but is no longer the State record as the Corpus Christie area alongside the Gulf, upped it by 5 degrees with their day that climbed to 125 Fahrenheit degrees, while your editor's first grandchild and her husband, (Melinda and Kenny Smith) were there.

Our desire for this month is a reasonable mixture of sunshine and summer showers, without severe weather or temperature related catastrophes. Favorable temps, pleasant events, swimming, and plenty of watermelon is requested!

"Introspective" by Thomas F. O'Neill, offers advice about asking oneself about their true purpose in life. However, Mattie Lennon 's "Irish Eyes" lauds those who apparently have made great strides in discovering those answers for themselves. He highlights some attendees to the recent Dolly Day in Ireland gathering for a couple of charities and their purpose of setting a Guinness record. Your editor hopes the YouTube brief video works for you.

Rod Cohenour, still convalescing, touts his wife's delicious Meatloaf for July's (but good whatever month) recipe in "Cooking with Rod." Melinda Cohenour reveals a great deal of research compiled while preparing her own column "Armchair Genealogy."

Danielle Cote Serar, whose column is "A Mother's Lesson," shows us what moms are prone to do when a child's birthday rolls around. Judith Kroll's thoughts turned to what Treasures mean to us in "On Trek." Marilyn Carnell, author of "Sifoddling Along," recalls memorable personal July events. Pauline Evanosky goes into detail about delivering messages -- when and if and how -- received from Spirit in her column "Woo Woo."

John McGrath of Ireland, whose poem "Two Bridgets" was in the March issue this year, has four to share this month. One recalls times his mother was the "Driver," and one is a sonnet to an independent young person, "December Wind." "Connemara Rain" sounds like July weather far away, while memories are used in the descriptive verses about "Cullatinny" and the house he was born in that, though among the last to be abandoned in that area, was, many years ago. It includes a recent photo.

"A Texas Summer" by John I. Blair, depicts quite a different form of July weather. Walt Perryman has four poems, with one about his "Wild Beast Safari," one titled "It's All Relative," also "Invitation Thing," set during a reluctant period of his life, and the fourth with a pic of himself taken on this recent Father's Day, "Happiness Ramble."

Bud Lemire's four poems, each with a pic he either took or chose, are "A Friend Named Steve," "The World Has Changed," "They Crossed Over," and one composed in June, "Every Place." The remaining poem, written June 30, 2023, is from your editor: titled "Unpaved."

We are always happy to express our admiration and love for our co-founder and webmaster, Mike Craner, whose knowledge and expertise keeps Pencil Stubs Online actually online. We place our confidence in him as we have during the past, and we are now in our 26th year.

See you in August!

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