Encore: Cookin' With Leo
Making Good Irish Cream
Even if my Dear Sweet Italian Fairy Godmother taught me how to make all sort of things, whether alcoholic or not, she never knew anything about good Irish drinks or drinking, but then she ain’t Irish. Italians make good wine, but they don’t know doodly squat about good Irish drinkin’ stuff. My fore bearers from Paddy on knew very well how to make a batch of Irish Cream for their morning waker/upper. But then in those days they had to drink what they made on the spot because they had no such things like egg beaters or condensed milk so they had to drink what they made as soon as they made it. Not much refrigeration in those days so eggs and fresh cream would only last maybe a day or two in some cool cave. Paddy’s pal Hennessey knew all about corn and barley squeezin’ and when he and Paddy had their morning coffee it was easy to keep the snakes out of Ireland.
Now I know you can go out to the Liquor Store and buy some Bailey’s, but then as good as it is, it is just not got the kick as some good home brewed Irish Cream. So here is a great recipe to make some very good
Irish Cream
No substitutions here at all, except the choice of Whiskey you may want to use.
Here is what you need:
6 oz ®Egg Beaters
12 oz ®Rich’s Coffee Rich
1 regular size can ®Eagle Brand Condensed Milk
3 tablespoons ®Hershey’s Liquid Chocolate
1½ cups Blended Whiskey, your choice, but at least over 80 proof, 86 proof is fine, but 90 proof you may like even better. The best I made was with ®Wild Turkey 101.
Here is how to mix it:
In a mixing bowl combine the egg beaters and the coffee rich, you can use a mixer but use slow speed. While combining these add the Eagle Brand milk slowly and mix well. Use some of the mixed liquid to clean out the condensed milk can. Add the chocolate and combine all the ingredients well. You can store this mix in the frig for several days, when you are ready to drink it add the blended whiskey and stir in gently and mix well. This will make one quart or better of Good Irish Cream.
An’ tha’ Top o’tha’ Marnin’ To Ya!

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