Rambling about God and A Tree
Walt Perryman
When you were young did you have a special place?
Where you could hide and drop out of the rat race!
You could fantasize about who you were or wanted to be!
Mine was on the Pecos River under an old Cedar tree.
I could talk to God, and have a conversation with him,
Then somewhere while living life, God’s light went dim.
Today, the world has replaced my old hidden cedar tree.
And it’s hard to hear over the noise what God is telling me.
Today a place such as my old cedar tree is hard to find,
But I’m learning how to replace it, in my heart and mind.
Some will and some will not understand my little rhyme,
But you don’t need a tree, you can talk to God anytime.
©Feb 07, 2022 Walt Perryman
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