Think You're Doing Good?
Walt Perryman
Do you think you are doing good but you are not?
If you do you’re not alone, because I do that a lot.
Jesus is the only one that has ever lived sin-free,
And he is the perfect example of who I can’t be
Sometimes, I feel like I am doing pretty dang good,
Because I am trying to do the things, I know I should.
But then there are always the times that I backslide,
And I do things I should not in the name of self-pride.
Anytime I feel like I have made it to where I should be,
That’s when I need to try harder because I’ve lied to me.
I ask God to help me put one foot in front of the other,
And I start feeling good until I do the same thing over.
I will never be perfect because I am just a mortal man,
Therefore, with God's help, all I can do is the best I can.
So, when you think you’re doing good, but you’re not,
That is when you need to try harder and pray a lot.
©Aug. 2021 Walt Perryman
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