Reflections on the Day
Dayvid Clarkson
March 30 -
On a cold crisp night, I look to the stars, even in the dark, you can see the remnants of navy blue. The crystalline stars seem to define Father Sky as Grand Mother Moon has yet to make her entrance. Contemplating time, it seems we never have enough, always governed by the clock. What if we understood that we are eternal, that we truly have all the time we require? No time during your past was wasted. This journey is like reading a book, once read another book will appear. If we could learn to read and enjoy without the compulsion to skip over parts and read the last chapter to see how it ends. Enjoy each chapter and relish the storyline. Sleep well, dream deep my Friends. Humble bow, Dayvid
February 26 at 9:46pm ·
The eve time approaches and we prepare for rest. What an incredible act of faith to enter into sleep time. We have no assurances we will awake in the morning. We release our consciousness and our ego. We are relieved of the Monkey Mind for a period of time. We have no idea what is going to happen or where we will travel. We rarely consider the outcome. And after we arise everything fades away for the most part. Mayhaps we should apply the same leap of faith to our awake time? Sleep well, dream deep my Friends. Humble bow, Dayvid.
February 25 at 9:45pm ·
There are some evenings when a sweet melancholy permeates my soul. The feeling when you have been away from home for a while and you cherish the time you will return. The feeling when you have said goodbye to a friend and you yearn for the time you will meet again. It’s not really a negative feeling and I find it somewhat serene. I am enjoying the journey yet that melancholy seems to embrace me every now and then. The serenity is I know I am on my way home and I know we will meet again. The old adage that there are no strangers just folks on their way to meet me whispers. I am grateful for all that are sharing my journey and I look wistfully to our reunion. Sleep well, dream deep my friends. Humble bow, Dayvid
February 20 at 9:55pm ·
It was a surreal sunset this eve, indistinguishable from a summer evening, in the middle of February. It seems confusing. I sense there are great changes coming. At times it is like a great storm is coming and I left one of the doors open. Not scary per se, more like an adrenalin rush. Grand Father Sun and Father Sky combine to draw my attention, Mother Earth in early fertility, and Grand Mother Moon soothing the waters. There is something afoot. Yet I feel serene. Many I know are coming through or have come through great challenges mayhaps it is now their turn. As you rest this eve, seek the sacred circle and listen closely, inhale the wisdom. Sleep well, dream deep my Friends. Humble bow, Dayvid.
February 17 at 9:39pm ·
It starts as a clear night then the mists gently roll across the lake. I sit in contemplation of the familial bond that unites us by blood. We might not have it all together but when we are together we have it all. Even in the most stressful of situations, one can find blessings. Moments that affirms the kindness and compassion that surrounds us. These small miracles might go unnoticed as you journey through the valleys, breathe and pay attention. Ease your burdens by seeing what is right with the divine comedy rather than what is wrong. Care for those around you and you will be cared for. May the Great Spirit give us rest this evening rekindling the pure fire of the soul. Awakening refreshed and restored. Sleep well, dream deep my Friends. Humble bow, Dayvid
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