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My Heart Never Wore Spurs

By Mary E. Adair

My Heart never wore spurs,
It never needed to.
It galloped along effortlessly
Enjoying the view.

Cantering along the road,
Sharing with Hearts on the way,
Blue skies or showers
My Heart relished the day.

Other Hearts ran past me,
Racing toward their goal,
Beckoning mine to join them
But it bore my lump of coal.

My Heart was often joyful,
Sometimes drowned in tears,
But stayed in its own stable
Though months turned into years.

When my Heart yoked with another,
It wasn't all work or trouble,
Together our Hearts it seemed
Could trot over any rubble.

Our Hearts while prancing on our trails
Felt the sun would always shine,
But Hearts must finish their own path,
Though ours had seemed to entwine.

So now my Heart's out to Pasture,
Its gait slowed to a walk,
And these days only memories
Come by to share a talk.

©August 28, 2014 Mary E. Adair

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