Editor's Corner
Mary E. Adair
Aug 2010
August brings in the real heat of the summer in our area ordinarily but this summer it happened in July. Well,
your editor hopes the worst of it is over. The important news seems to drench us daily as Television and Radio
duplicate it 24/7. That is why it is nice to browse the ezine which is filled with unusual travel and vista's,
reflective notions, unique recipes, historical references, sporting observations, and romantic viewpoints.
LC Van Savage leads the articles with "Men and Gas Tanks and Other Fables." Leo C. Helmer informs us concerning
another Western Swing personality, Hank Penny. Of course LC Van Savage also has her column "Consider This" bravely
discussing tennis attire and stars, and Helmer's column "Cookin' With Leo" serves a tasty summer treat, "Aztec
Coffee." Another kind of summertime activity is discussed in Peg Jone's "Angel Whispers."
Our columnists bring their own brand of reporting leading with humorist Gerard Meister offering insight on airport
security first hand. John I. Blair in "Always Looking" shares some history and priceless photos detailing family
choices of where to attend religious services. Thomas F. O'Neill fills us in about his experiences at the Shanghai
World Expo and Mattie Lennon sends news of the Knockanstockan Musical Festival in Ireland and includes a tale and a
poem from the CIE literati.
Mark Crocker adds a second installment in the Stories section of his "Rabbo Tales."
With a baker's dozen of poems - one from MJMansfield plus six each from Bruce Clifford and John I. Blair, the reader will find an assortment of poetic
information and styling.
Don't forget to mention us to your friends, be a fan for us at FaceBook, and limber up those writing muscles for a
future issue.
See you in September!
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