Let Me Down Gently
Bruce Clifford
The power play is on
The monarchy is gone
The fortune that you saved
The last of the rainy days
The circus that you lead
The chaos in the streets
The power and the ride
The money that you hide
Let me down slowly
I never liked this fall
Let me see the laughter
You're never going to call
Never going to call
The power play goes on
The band goes marching in
The energy moves on
The will to win and win
Let me down gently
I never liked this fall
Let me see the laughter
You're never going to call
Never going to call
Let me down slowly
I never saw a sign
Lead me to the mountain
We'll see if it's one I could climb
Let me down gently
I never liked this fall
Let me see the magic
You dare to risk it all
Never going to fall
©7/31/09 Bruce Clifford
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