Running Around
Bruce Clifford
You're on your way to the finish line
If you keep this up you will get there on time
You're up and you're down, but you've got it made
The time will come for you to sit in the shade
You're on your way to the end of doubt
In a moment in time you will learn to sort this out
Your memory fades through the visions and the twine
These are the memories you hope to keep alive
Running around chasing your tail
Running around with a bucket and a pail
Running around without questioning your mind
Running around beneath this sub-divide
You're on your way with reasons once betrayed
If you keep this up your memory could be saved
You're at the starting gate with fanfare and a breeze
Line them up and bring the free world to its knees
Running around chasing your tail
Running around with a bucket and a pail
Running around without questioning your mind
Running around beneath this sub-divide
Running around in a world you once saved
Running around when you thought you had it made
Running around with your future and your dreams
Running around without asking what this means
©6/7/08 Bruce Clifford
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