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What's the Secret

By Bruce Clifford

How can I describe the indescribable reflection in your eyes
It's not like I've seen them before
It's not like I can open up the door
Of your heart
Of your mind
The magic in your eyes

Of your kindness
Of your soul
And the one thing I can't describe
What's the secret to the beauty behind your eyes

Maybe there's another language I can choose the right words from
Maybe there's a sense of reason out there in the far and beyond

How can I describe perfection
How can I write of this ultimate reflection
There are no words to define the peace that's so entwined
How can I describe the indescribable reflection in your eyes

I can write of the perfect pearl or diamond
I can write of the perfect place for dining
But when I see the ultimate perfection
There are no words to describe this sensation
How can I describe the indescribable reflection in your eyes

Of your heart
Of your mind
They have to be a one in a kind

Of your laughter
Of your will
And the one thing I can't describe
What's the secret to the beauty behind your eyes
What's the secret to the beauty behind your eyes

©6/19/07 Bruce Clifford

Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.


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