Editor's Corner
Mary E. Adair
December 2004
Volume 7, Issue 10 goes online December one, and though it is the last issue of 2004, there will be one more in volume seven as our personal new year for Pencil Stubs Online begins with February. Few things in this writer's life have given more satisfaction than the opportunity (with Pencilstubs) to encourage people to write - to encourage them to explore their creative nature, to record historical events, to remind people of things they believe to be relevant, or important, or to simply share the gift of laughter.
Brought up in a family of readers, it is incomprehensible that so few people actually enjoy reading in this age of visual "picture" media - television, camera phones, etc., all of which offer a form of near effortless entertainment - but which is just as ephemeral in lasting contributions as a puff of chimney smoke ascending into a strong wind. So many new instant "views" are available that few exhibit the dedication to self and posterity to share, thus immortalizing their ideas with the process of writing. Words do not fade away once set down and published ... they reach forward in many documents, toward an audience that will never end so long as the ability to write and read survives. Therefore, many incredibly talented people are missing the mark by not scribing their thoughts, plans, desires, and accomplishments for the enlightenment and enjoyment of that endless audience, the reader.
This month's reading however, should hit the mark with some reminiscing, some musing about the future, quite a bit of humor, and some solid advice tucked in here and there. Let's see what is in store for you.
Our columnists stepping in to be counted are LC Van Savage with her regular "Consider This" in a seasonal awareness with company on the doorstep - "The House Shrinks; The Kids Don't;" Leo C. Helmer serves up a new "Texan" recipe in "Cookin' With Leo;" and Gerard Meister makes a timely pause in his travels to forward his "Thinking Out Loud."
Our regular Irish columnist opted for an article "Mattie Lennon's Recommended Reading For Christmas," while another, LC Van Savage adds the article, "Machines as Pals," which one might want to ponder if gifts this season include a machine of any type.
No column this month from Mike Craner, one of the busiest, yet kindest people on earth, a fine writer who works diligently keeping not only this site but many others online and functioning. Hope to see a column there soon.
A round dozen of poems offer a gamut of subjects for December: Bruce Clifford with a great characterization of almost any "Bad Girl" and follows with "Can't Let Go," a poem most can identify with such rationalization in their own experiences. Clara Blair adds "Be Still," "Confessor," "Living From Laugh to Laugh," and "Reading the Newspaper With St. Jude." Each of her four poems touch our sometimes unrecognized traits and emotions.
Her husband John I. Blair rounds out the list with wise advice - "Forgiveness" and "Migration." "Pebbles" and "Petrified Wood," made the editor recall her own specimens in a new light, plus "One More Winter" and "Winter Doesn't Have A Texas Address." The latter is so true (see pic of snow on the Morning Glories at bottom of page)but that truth is couched in Blair's manner of illuminating fact which provides a delightful discovery.
Two more chapters of the continued tale "Hybird - The Green Cloud - Chapter 13," and "Hybird - The Green Cloud - Chapter 14" can be found in the Stories section. If you haven't started this serial, now might be the time to begin. Webmaster Craner has made it easy to track through by clicking on the author Alan Mosedale's byline which will bring up his biography and the clickable list of chapters follow it. The Cast of Characters is also clickable, and adds much to the storyline.
On any page, Michael Craner, our capable and hard working webmaster and co-founder of Pencil Stubs Online has placed a handy email form you can use to refer that page to a friend. There is also a feedback area, and our authors love to hear from their readers.
We always urge more participation and if you would like to be one of our published authors, it is easy to submit your writing - poetry, story, article, or idea for a column - by choosing the SUBMIT button from the sidebar. It is fun to see something you've composed online where your friends and family can read it and refer it to their friends. (If you decide to do so, please include a biography on yourself if you wish, or it can be added later. Biographies are found by clicking the author's byline - name in blue text - and their published works are listed on the same page.) There is no charge for being published here, and as they say, 'Try it, you might like it!'
For January, we hope to see some New Year Resolutions or some ideas (serious or humorous) concerning why one should or shouldn't be making such goals. Everyone has something they would like to discover, or improve, or finish up, so don't be shy - send in those thoughts!
The Pencilstubs staff extends the hope that everyone
will enjoy this lovely season of the year
and have safe and memorable holidays.
See you in Two Thousand and Five!!!
Snow on the Morning Glories
Picture by editor: taken about ten a.m. November 2, which shows about all that was left of aproximately 2 inches of snow which fell around two a.m. By noon, all of it was gone. That's Texas for you.