Editor's Corner
Mary E. Adair
Welcome to the Valentine month issue of Pencil Stubs Online! It has been a whole month of the year 2000 that has gone into the history books. Weather news has reflected the strange non-seasonal weather. The marvelous "red moon eclipse" has been detailed by NASA and by other scientific sites. . . but none have given the insight to the sight that our own Cassandra does in her column for February.
We bring you an interesting recipe to warm both your stomach and that of the lil' 'devil-of-your-heart' in Leo's column. Remember the route to the heart is purported to be through the stomach, so check out his Soup of the Devil.
Mike relays his take on the state of the world, or universe, as it were... or perhaps as he wishes it could be, with a few hints on what is wrong, and a solution or two.
We always look forward to Cheri's, and Astrid's viewpoints. They keep us on our toes and share laughter and tears with us. Don't miss "Astridlogically Speaking", or "Cheri & Mary @ the Movies." Our "Dear Friends" columnist and good friend, Virginia, is taking a brief break and hopes to be back with us soon, but we all know family comes first.
Ken Berry, the Socrates of poetry, brings us a mixture of emotions in nine more free verse offerings. Be prepared for a few tears, or at least an evocative phrase to awaken some of your own memories. Thur pens a few words in "The Aged" that will also make you think, seriously. Phillip Hennessy emailed me a new poem for this issue, and as always, he struck a chord in my heart. . . thanks, Phil. Teresa Sterenchock voices very well the biological clock-ticking hopes of many women today with her neat verse, "Baby." Richard Kizer shares his "Awakening Dream" and recycling plans for his next life. Greg also paints with his words as he takes us journeying with a "Trickle To The Sea." Inspiration overflows, along with a few tears if you're as touched as we were by "Checking In" sent in by PrairWarur who says she did not write it, but wished she had.
A little note of timing... it is Leap Year, girls! Now is the time to pop the question if your guy is really shy, or hasn't yet realized that the two of you could have a better life together than you are living apart. Just a little Valentine's Day nudge may do it, and he can do the formal proposing himself. Good luck!! Ironically, enough, I married my first and second husbands on Leap Years a dozen years apart. Am in love again and planning another 'leap' into the future...we will see how this works out.
See ya in March!!!