Feel free to sign in, we'll put
"another brick in the
wall" for you! Nearly anything is allowed.
The only restrictions are:
You must be Signed In to post a scribble.
Do not use the wall as a discussion forum.
No advertising, links, blurbs, etc.
No obscene or "adult" content.
Some ideas of what you CAN post are favorite quotes,
(include original author credit if known), site comments (Pencil Stubs),
or anything else that grabs your fancy. Feel free to express
yourself, so long as you follow the rules.
Your posts will appear here on this page, the most recent
posting at the top of the list.
Finally, no matter how long it seems to be taking, PLEASE,
only press the "SUBMIT" buttons ONCE.
This format can accept simple HTML
tags. Please use the following tags to format your
- <P>
- To begin a new paragraph
- <BR>
- To end a line, without adding a spacer line between the
current and next line.
One liners and single paragraphs require no
special HTML formatting.
NO LINKS PLEASE! Use the new Links
department for your shameless plugging.
- Have Fun!
- Mike-Webmaster
You MUST be signed in to post to "The Wall". Please Sign In with the link on
the nav bar on your left, just below the logo.