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Mary, A Good Friend

By Bud Lemire

We first met in the park, when we were five years old
With the same last name, but all would later unfold
Were we related, would we ever know
Time would tell, but first we had to grow

The first LeMire Doctor in Escanaba, died tragically
His parents were a LeMire, and a Pinard, you see
My Grandparents, were a Lemire and Pinard too
Their connection to each other, was unknown to me and you

Over the years, we'd meet now and then
Stop for a chat, and ask “How you've been”
As we got older , it continued this way
Until we came to 2025, and that is today

We did find out, her LeMire lineage comes from Nicolet
If you pronounce the T, you're not French I bet
That's in the distant past, let's move ahead
I don't like seeing Doctors, it's something that I dread

I was pushed by a cousin, and by an Angel that I love
To be checked out for a cough, I was being watched from above
Mary was a distant cousin, but she was also a caring friend
She offered to drive me, until I was on the mend
Thank you Mary, my cousin and my friend
I appreciate your help, now this poem can end.

©Jan 28, 2025 Bud Lemire

Author Note:

Mary, thanks for giving me a hand when I needed it.
I appreciate the three days that you helped me out
when I needed it. Thanks for being a caring friend
and cousin.

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