Woo Woo
Pauline Evanosky
Splitting Hairs
Splitting Hairs
I realized something this morning. People don’t always know what a channel is. That is why I began to refer to myself as a psychic channel many years ago. Although, that has never felt completely right to me either. I suppose it would be truthful to admit that I sometimes get nudges out of who knows where about things. But I cannot market that particular talent. It’s just not reliable and I can’t pull it out of a hat.
Mostly, I receive psychic hits these days. Like when my husband is going to telephone or when he is walking up the steps to our house. However, that could just be our long association as we’ve been married for 48 years.
I’m not the person who will know when an airliner or a train is going to crash. Sometimes, I get a sense of disaster, though the last time was in terms of political machinations. That, too, might have only been an overactive imagination. Who knows? Time will tell, I suppose.
It has never worked with the lottery, which I would think a psychic should be able to do. Somewhere I read Edgar Casey got himself banned from the tables in a gambling casino, but I cannot now find evidence of that fact on the internet. It’s just something I knew a long time ago. If you want to hear a channeling funny Edgar just told me gambling is the Devil’s work.
I have never felt a bit psychic because it is as natural as breathing. Yes, I will sometimes get a psychic hit about somebody I’ve met, but it’s never anything that has proven to be a game-changer. I’ve met people who make me uneasy and I will avoid any more contact with them. I’m sure not going to go to someone and say, “Hey, I think you’re a dangerous person. Am I correct?” In fact, everybody does that.
I have to confess going into great detail about what a psychic channel does is harder than just saying I talk to dead people. Also, animals and sometimes plants, but I am not the one who will usually instigate such conversations. Although I do not now give readings, people will approach me and want to hear from their relatives and loved ones who have passed. I cannot summon these folks to come talk to me. I have to just wait to see if they are there. If there are any messages, I will relay what is said.
Which brings me to why I feel uneasy when I say I talk to the dead. I do if they are there to talk to. Can you imagine how many people have passed over the eons? And, talking to Mark Twain in Heaven is likely not the same entity who now walks upon the earth if he is reincarnated.
I asked my spirit guide about that and was told that you can have simultaneous lives, the soul that is you can be thought of as your higher self. Meanwhile, that higher self knows which personality the person on earth wants to talk to. So, yes, I have spoken with Mark Twain occasionally. Is he alive now? Maybe. Probably. It was a massive puzzle for me for a time. Now, I am at peace with it. If they will talk to me I will talk to them. But, I haven’t been so much the approacher as I am the approchee. I think I will begin saying now that the dead talk to me. It’s a fine distinction, but I think it is more honest.
In the articles I write both here and in other places, Spirit does come to chat. If it is appropriate, I will include their comments, which, at times, are funny. Other times, they are just thought-provoking. It took me time to gain harmony with the peanut gallery I once called them. But, now, they have acceded to my simple requests that not everybody talks at once. That used to get complicated.
In the first year, when I learned how to channel after the peanut gallery had become rambunctious and noisy as anything, I only decided to talk to my guide, Seth. After about a year I began slowly to speak to other entities. I remember Amedeaus Mozart was one of the first entities I talked to. This also opened up other possibilities as I learned folk on the other side were willing to help me learn things.
So, from now on, I will say the dead speak to me rather than the other way around. I know it’s splitting hairs, but it feels right.
Thanks for reading. You can find more of my writing on Medium.com. I published a book years ago with channeled advice available at LuLu.com, and I plan to begin writing books this year that will be sold on Amazon.
Never quit believing in magic. It is real.
Pauline Evanosky
Click on the author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.
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