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Ara Parisien Author-Medium-Spiritual Teacher

By Ara Parisien

Imagination Creates Reality

“I AM” is the state of an awareness of being. This baseline is perhaps what we should target to achieve the restful and creative state. This state is the you before you apply determining labels such as male/female, old/young etc.

“I AM” is the name of Source. We should rest and create in this state. In other words, we should rest in God.

When we create from this state of being - or state of Source; where we believe in the power of Source (what is it that God cannot do!); where we have faith our desires have already been created (God has already created All There Is), we then trust the manifestations will appear in our external world (God’s promise that when we ask it is already done).

The only reality that exists is in the internal world. The external world is but a mere reflection of all the beliefs we have of Self, in other words, our current state of awareness of being. In order to transform our external world, we need to change our state of awareness of being.

As we claim or decree our desires to the point of any degree of emotional intensity, we have successfully married the conscious mind (masculine energy) to the subconscious mind (female energy). When these two elements are fused we energetically expand to include this new awareness of being. The more we dwell in this expanded version of being, the more we express it to the point where our external world matches the internal one. Our desires are literally given birth to in our reality.

A successful fusion of the conscious and subconscious minds on any given topic with a degree of emotional intensity breeds a certainty or surety that what we have claimed or decreed will come to pass. When doubts arise, it breeds con-fusion which does not manifest what is wanted. We are able to create freedom just as easily as a prison. Either way you are simply expressing your current awareness of being.

How do we claim or decree a desire? First, we must have absolute clarity on what it is that we desire. Not ‘how’ it can come, but a clear vision of what is wanted. Then implement the best inner conversation that is in alignment with the desire in a way that states you already have the desire or are experiencing it. Keep this inner conversation going and as you imagine and participate in it you will have an emotional response to it. Allow yourself to feel and to play in this imaginative state. Do this often and when you do, and it is augmented by an emotional quality, you then achieve a new awareness of being. Carry this knowing into the external world as well as applying to it all the ‘I AM’ statements you can think of regarding it. Feel yourself to be this new person and your awareness of being that person with the desire is born.

Test it for yourself! Do you desire good health? The inner conversation will be “I AM healthy” coupled with the feeling of good health. One must divorce the external, nagging voice that demands you believe otherwise. Lose yourself in the feeling of vibrant health. See yourself doing that which you love to do effortlessly. Imagine conversations with people who say to you, “My goodness you look so good!” and you respond, “Thank you! I have never felt better!”. Immerse yourself in THIS reality and really feel it. Do it often and bring the experience in the inner world right into your external world. You will find yourself smiling more, and feeling better than before you began the exercise. This is the precursor to the transformation you seek.

This works as well for abundance. Remember you cannot serve two masters so choose the reality you prefer. The external perpetuates a place of lack and worry. The internal reality has you seeing yourself abundant and care-free. Which master do you prefer? Choose one and immerse yourself completely as you cannot take the old self into this new place and realize the results you prefer.

Just ‘how’ and ‘when’ it appears in your reality is part of the great mystery and is well beyond our ability to know. Having faith that it will be delivered is what it takes. Steadfast belief and faith. When it occurs, and it will, it will take your breath away. It will feel like magic and will serve to be a great reminder that we, in essence, are miracles in motion. We just need to remember that and then to live like it.

Be deliberate. Choose what it is that you want to be, do or have. Do so in the knowing that we have been promised, “Ask, and it is always given.”

Not, maybe. Not just sometimes.


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