When the newspapers start piling up by the door
And there's an odor that is too hard to ignore
Someone could have passed away
Possibly last week, or the other day
Who would know, if someone passed away
They could be in their apartment, in a state of decay
It might be some that you know
That you haven't seen in a day or so
What happened in their place
For them not to have shown their face
Who would know what happened there
There must be someone who would care
Let's check in on them today
Maybe Lou has gone away
Mary might be home tonight
It's 10 PM and there's no light
It's hard to know where everyone might be
Some sort of “Buddy Check” might be the key
There will always be those that we don't know
Who they are, and where they go
I wonder how their last days were spent
When someone turns up as a Dead Resident