All I want is a little faith,
just enough to get me by
I'm not greedy, Lord, not at all
just a little faith to help me die,
to help make it thru this life,
to have a day without the strife
to smile more than I shed tears,
to help me rid my life of fears
That night I prayed like never before,
it was like the universe opened her door,
Then within my soul, a voice I heard
"why do you limit what you can have?
A little faith is quite absurd.
Here is tons of faith just for you,
to make your world work for you
The more you get the more you share,
faith my friend is everywhere.
You are not greedy, not a bit
you ask we give and that is it.
Without Limit".
I changed my prayer that very night,
Oh lord its faith I need you know,
I want to see the world glow,
But first it needs to start with ME..
so, thank you lord.for your faith in ME.