In another lifetime you will know
What it is that makes me glow
For now is not the time for you
To understand the things I do
Just accept me for what I say
Even though you don't believe the same way
Our journey and experiences aren't the same
We need to realize there's nobody to blame
Our life's path are different in many a way
But neither of us are wrong in what we say
Just because one speaks the truth as they know it
Doesn't mean the other has to believe it one bit
But show respect for what you've never known
With the experiences on their path that was shown
Open your mind to know there are other ways too
To travel life's path, than the way that you do
It is their truth, when they speak it so
Their journey is all that they really know
There are many experiences in life that we make
Just as our journey has many paths, which one will you take?
©Jan 29, 2015 Bud Lemire