Beautiful People
Wendy Shepard-Kalan
Beautiful people all around me
Through dirty clothes and sad faces
So much more that I see
In the lowest of places
She sits there on the bench
Out in the cold
Beyond the stench
Stoic and bold
Others walk by
Blind to her plight
I stare and wonder why...
It's just not right.
I slowly sit down too
I smile, say hello
she screams at me to "Shoo".
I jump up ready to go
As I walk away
Her eyes shine,
a smile
She is beautiful today
Before their hopes faded
And they just gave in,
Dreams, all they contemplated
Thinking they can't win...
There are so many beautiful people in the park
Through eyes of love I see
They are no longer shadows in the dark
They are the spirit of you, of me.
©Feb 28, 2013 Wendy Shepard-Kalan
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