Although The Moon Is Full
John I. Blair
Although the moon is full,
In the elm top it looks small,
Like a dimming lightbulb
In a marquee near extinguishment
As the play approaches
Run’s end.
The first act featured
Randy, fertile youth,
Ripe with dreams, rushed
To quick if often
Ill-advised activity.
The second was the richest:
Yearning love
That was fulfilled,
Nest building, happy
Nurturing, coos and cradles,
Lullabies and laughter.
Act three brought storms,
Strife-filled tumult
Of a middle age,
Lost health, lost hopes,
Lost innocence.
But now finale:
A very quiet scene
With little movement;
Peace, it seems; content,
With hints of resolution –
And, perhaps, a sequel.
©2010 John I. Blair
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