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Angel Whispers

By Peg Jones

Angels Are Among US!

The angels are among us. They are here to help us and bring us messages from God. They always have words that are comforting. They show us only love and patience at all times. They help us to move towards a positive goal on our own life paths. In becoming aware of the angels I have found that for the most part, their messages are of love and clarity. If you hear a message deep within you that is a negative message, know that the message is not from an angel. A message from your angel or angels is a message from your higher self. Your higher self wants only what is good for you and there is no ego involved in any way.

About a year and a half ago I was in an inspirational writing group that was being done through the internet. In this class we were going to write what we were hearing deep within ourselves--a bit like automatic writing. I received the following message during the class:

In listening to our words you are open to our thoughts in a way you never thought possible. We are always here by your side and we know that you listen to our words. Do not be afraid to write what you hear, for we are with you helping you with this writing of inspiration. Listen to the silent whispers inside of you. What do you hear? What do you see? What do you feel? Do you feel our love for you? Do you feel the silent whispers of our words to you in a gentle way? Do you feel at peace when you know we are near? Be assured that we are always near, to guide, inspire. We want you to hear our words in the silence of your heart. To feel the peace that is there and to feel the calm deep within you.©

The words were so simple that I had written that night. I realized that my question, that night was, how do I know I was truly listening to the angels? I received my answer and I felt a peace and calmness within me. I felt that I had my answer from the universe and the angels. Shortly after that class I felt a real connection to the angels. I was doing a lot of angel card readings over the internet and the messages I was giving to others were messages that I was feeling deep within my soul. I was learning to trust what I was hearing from the angels and trusting that my messages were from the angels.

A month had passed and I went to speak to someone who helped me to see that the universe was asking me to be more proactive and to be out there in the world helping others to know and understand their angels through the angel oracle cards. We thought of how I could do this. A website was my answer and so the dream of the website was validated. I had a problem though I didn’t have a job but the universe does provide and I found the money to put up the site and chat room. I called the site at first Pegs Angelical Whispers and later changed it to Angelical Whispers, with the mission of helping others to listen and learn about their angels also.

Two months after the website opened I found a job and enrolled in an Angel Card Reading Certification Course through Nina Roe at I am now finishing up an Angelic Life Coach® Program through her also. If you have any questions about Angelic Life Coach® work, please contact me through email. The journey has been wonderful and I know that the whispers within my heart are the silent whispers of the angel’s messages to me.

My website has had guests at the website and nights of angel card readings. I have also offered Healing Circles in which we would send distant healing to those we would like to send healing to. In the Fall, I hope to offer a few classes to my members. For now I am thinking the classes will be as follows:

  • How to listen to your angels
  • Inspirational Writing Group
  • How to learn how to use Angel Cards for beginners

I would love for you to come by some night to come to the chat room and to be a part of the chat. The website address is pegsangelicalwhispers. I feel the angels are truly present when we gather whether it be for a guest or for conversation or for angel card readings.

Since April of 2009, I have been co hosting a radio show with Jess Steinman, on Spirit Whispers at BlogTalk Radio on Sunday nights. This was something I didn’t ever think I would ever do; though I had an interest in doing this, I didn’t know how it was going to happen. Apparently the angels had a few plans for how this was going to happen. The first show was the hardest but I have been enjoying this experience immensely. The guests that have appeared on the show have been wonderful.

I have no idea what the angels have planned for me next, but walking along my life’s journey has been a lot more exciting and fun in my walk with the angels, than walking without them. Since my work with the angels, I have found a lot of hope and peace in my life. I have felt that God is close behind telling the angels what is to happen next, who I will meet, what I need to hear, and what I am to do. To do Gods work in the way that it has been shown me has been an honor for me. I wish for all of you that your messages from the angels are messages that will bring you a lot of peace and clarity for you in your lives too.

Click on author's byline for bio.
Catch her "Spirit Whispers" on BlogTalk Radio
Sunday nights at 5 p.m. EST/10 p.m. GMT


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