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Such Deep Sorrow

By Mark Crocker

What words can I say to ease such terrible grief
Words that normally flow are stuck in my mouth
Tears that would normal flow stay stuck in my eyes
So deep is the grief that there is nothing I can say
that would take away the pain

Strong must I be yet no heart I have for the mask I wear
Such deep pain that runs so deep
A heartache that does not stop
Deep sorrow that runs to my soul

Yet a mask I must wear so that you think I am strong
For you my dear daughter I would take all your pain
Such deep pain at your lose I feel
A heart broken by what your body no longer holds

Your son gone from your body before his time
An emptiness that cannot be filled
All dreams of a son is gone
So much pain left behind

You did nothing wrong
Your son was never meant to be
You did all you could
Yet behind is left such deep sorrow

Oh my dear daughter I wish I could take all your pain
I wish I could make you remember without the heartache
For you I would take all this terrible pain
To see you be as you were I would willingly take it all

©Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Mark W.D. Crocker

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