The Rant of The Semi-Wise
M. Jay Mansfield
God Bless me for I am man…
The lesser know me as nothing…
The greater care not…
But man I am still…
There are times when death washes over me…
drowns me in it’s darkness…
Strengthening me…
fortifying my enraged mind…
pushing me to new glories…
And deeper into the bright cortex of the night…
I who was designed by heaven…
created by heaven…
thrown out of heaven…
I who am a part of heaven…
Banished to the beautiful Darkness…
How can I not rise up and tout the name of all that is divine…
How can I not tell you of the glories that are…
How could I not stand against your breed…
How can I refuse to tell YOU, about me…
Created in the image of my father and of the angels…
Made more than them…
And definitely more than you…
Humbled only by the creator…
Shackled by only the vises I learned from you…
I am a very curious angel…
Father had no Idea I would go this far…
Written in all of his pages …
It calls for me…
Demands me…
But even he could not believe the length…
The Eons…
The Depths…
That I would take this…
Welcome to my face, my will, my want, my pain…
And know the face of the creator for I was made in his image…
Made in his image to rule…
To be above the others called angels…
Just look at me beasts…
Just look at me now…
©9-5-04 MJMansfield