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Time To Laugh

By John I. Blair

Once more the news I hear
Makes me want to cry.
There’s so much sadness,
Violence, rage in the world.
So why not cry? After all,
Some say there’s nothing
Like having a good bawl.
But today I think instead
I’ll find some way to laugh;
For laughter that’s not sour
Seems to cure me just a bit,
Ease my own anger
And cool my urgent need
To scream frustration
At the badness.
Laughter heals my soul;
That’s illogical, but real.
And though my laughter
Won’t make the evil go,
It makes the evil
Almost bearable.

©2003 John I. Blair

Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.


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Name: Email: Unlisted
Comment: Thanks John#comma# for using such beautiful language to remind us of the importance of laughter.



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